Command To Generate Ssh Key In Aix


  1. Command To Generate Ssh Key In Aix File
  2. Generate Ssh Key Windows

Jul 29, 2019  Learn how to set up a secure connection to a remote host by generating SSH Keys on Ubuntu 18.04. An SSH Key is a secure method of logging into your server! The ssh-keygen command creates a 2048-bit RSA key pair. For extra security, use RSA4096: ssh –keygen –t rsa 4096. Using SSH public-key authentication to connect to a remote system is a robust, more secure alternative to logging in with an account password or passphrase. SSH public-key authentication relies on asymmetric cryptographic algorithms that generate a pair of separate keys (a key pair), one 'private' and the other 'public'.

May 17, 2019 We can generate ssh key pair on Unix using ssh-keygen utility. This comes under openssh in all Unix flavour. Run the ssh-keygen; ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa. Rsa: it is the algorithm for generating the public -private key pair. 2048: it is bit size. Ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. The command generates an SSH key pair consisting of a public key and a private key, and saves them in the specified path. The file name of the public key is created automatically by to the name of the private key file. For example, if the file name of the SSH private key is idrsa. Jun 13, 2019 Creating a Pair of SSH Keys. These instructions were tested on Ubuntu, Fedora, and Manjaro distributions of Linux. In all cases the process was identical, and there was no need to install any new software on any of the test machines. To generate your SSH keys, type the following command: ssh-keygen. The generation process starts. This will create a.ssh dir in your home directory with the proper permissions. On your primary server where you want your secret keys to live (let's say serverA), type: # ssh-keygen -t dsa This will prompt you for a secret passphrase. If this is your primary identity key, use an empty passphrase (which is not secure, but the easiest to work with). Dear All please help, when i am connected via telnet to an AIX system and i am trying to connect to another one via SSH then the message that appear 'command is not available' and even when i am logging in with root previlage, does AIX not support the use of SSH or what is the problem?? Thanks in advance.

SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that enables secure remote connections between two systems. System admins use SSH utilities to manage machines, copy, or move files between systems. Because SSH transmits data over encrypted channels, security is at a high level.

This article will guide you through the most popular SSH commands. The list can also serve as a cheat sheet and will come in handy the next time you need to complete a task.

  • An SSH client of your choice
  • An SSH server on the remote machine
  • The IP address or name of the remote server

To connect to a remote machine, you need its IP address or name. Load the terminal or any SSH client and type ssh followed by the IP address:

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Command To Generate Ssh Key In Aix File

or name:

The first time you connect to a host, you’ll see this message:

Type yes and hit enter. You may need to enter your password as well.

SSH uses the current user when accessing a remote server. To specify a user for an SSH connection, run the command in this format:

For instance:

By default, the SSH server listens for a connection on port 22. If the port setting in the SSH config file has been changed, you’ll need to specify the port. Otherwise, you will get this error:

To connect to a remote host with a custom SSH port number, use the -pflag. For example:

To improve the security of SSH connections, generate a key pair with the keygen utility. The pair consists of a public and private key. The public key can be shared, while the private key needs to stay secure.

SSH key pairs are used to authenticate clients to servers automatically. When you create an SSH key pair, there is no longer a need to enter a password to access a server.

On the host machine’s terminal, use this command to create a key pair:

To use default settings, hit Enter on the prompts for file location and passphrase.

To use the key pair for SSH authentication, you’ll need to copy the public key to a server. The key is the file previously created with SSH keygen utility.

To copy your key to a server, run this command from the client:

You can also specify a username if you don’t want to use the current user.

Enter the password to authenticate when asked. After this, you will no longer need to use the password to connect to the same server.

You can securely copy files over the SSH protocol using the SCP tool. The basic syntax is:

For example, to copy a file sample3 to your Desktop on a remote server with a username test, type in:

The output shows a summary of the operation.

Make sure to use the uppercase-Pflag if you need to specify the port.

You can control how remote users can access a server via the SSH. Edit the settings in the sshd_config file to customize SSH server options. Make sure to edit only the options you are familiar with. A server can become inaccessible due to bad configuration.

Use the editor of your choice to edit the file. You’ll need superuser permissions to make changes. In Linux, we use vim:

In the command line on a remote host, type in:

Enter the sudo password, and the shell opens the file in the editor you used.

When you make changes to the SSH configuration, you’ll need to restart the service in Linux.

Depending on the Linux distro, run one of the following commands on the machine where you modified the settings:


Finally, enter the password to complete the process. As a result, the next SSH session will use the new settings.

Working on a remote server using SSH requires knowing basic SSH commands. Use the commands and options in this article to manage a remote host. Note that you can combine the flags to get the output you need.

Use the pwd command to show the file system path.

The output displays the location of the directory you are in.

To list the contents of a current working folder, use the ls command.

The shell will show the names of all directories, files, and links. To get more information, add one of the following flags:

  • -a displays hidden files and entries starting with a dot.
  • -l shows file details for directory contents. For example, the output includes permissions, ownership, date, etc.
  • -s lists the size of files, in blocks. Add -h to show the size in a humanly-readable form.

To navigate to a specific folder, use the cd command and a name or path of a directory.

Remember that the names are case sensitive. Use cd without a name or path to return to the user’s home directory.

Useful cd options include:

  • cd . go to the directory one level higher than your current location.
  • cd - switch to the previous directory.
  • cd / go to the root directory.

Use the cp command to copy a file or directory. You’ll need to include the name of the file and the target location.

To copy file1 from Desktop to Dir1, type in:

To change the name of file1 while copying it to another destination, use this format:

This command copies file1 to Dir1 with a name you specify.

To copy a directory and its contents, use the -r flag in this format:

The mv command works in the same manner as the copy command.

For instance, to move a file to another location, type in:

The touch command allows you to create a new file with any extension.

In the terminal, enter the following command:

For example, to create a system.log file, type in:

To create a directory, use the mkdir command. Enter a new directory name or full path in this format:


To delete a Linux file , use rm in this format:

In addition, you can enter a full path:

To delete a directory, add the -r flag to the rm command.

To view the status of all network adapters, use the ifconfig command. Moreover, when you don’t use any options with ifconfig, the output displays only active interfaces.

To clear the current working area of your bash screen, type clear in the shell. This command clears one portion of the screen and shifts up the previous output.

To remove the output from the terminal completely, use the reset command.

Run a Command on a Remote Server from a Local Computer

This method does not create a new shell. Instead, it runs a command and returns the user to the local prompt. You can create a file, copy files, or run any other SSH command in this format.

To remotely execute a command from the local machine, append an instruction to the SSH command. For example, to delete a file, type in:

Enter the password, and the file on the remote server will be deleted without creating a new shell.

The SSH tool comes with many optional parameters. The table below lists common SSH options and the corresponding descriptions.

SSH OptionDescription
-1Instructs ssh to use protocol version 1
-2Instructs ssh to use protocol version 2.
-4Permits only IPv4 addresses.
-6Permits only IPv6 addresses.
-AEnables authentication agent connection forwarding. Use this option with caution.
-aDisables authentication agent connection forwarding.
-b bind_addressUse this option on the local host with more than one address to set the source address of the connection.
-CEnables data compression for all files. Only to be used with slow connections.
-c cipher_specUse to select a cipher specification. List the values separated by a comma.
-E log_fileNameAttaches debug logs to log_file instead of standard error.
-fSends ssh to background, even before entering a password or passphrase.
-gPermits remote hosts to connect to ports forwarded on a local machine.
-qRuns ssh in quiet mode. It suppresses most error or warning messages.
-VDisplays the version of ssh tool and exits.
-vPrints debugging messages for ssh connection. The verbose mode is useful when troubleshooting configuration issues.
-XUse this option to enable X11 forwarding.
-xDisable X11 forwarding.

This article has covered the 19 most popular commands for using the SSH tool effectively. Now you can manage your server remotely with an added layer of security and have these commands at your fingertips.

Before executing these commands and options on a live server, we do recommend using a test machine first.

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Generate Ssh Key Windows

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Before you begin

Using SSH public-key authentication to connect to a remote system is a robust, more secure alternative to logging in with an account password or passphrase. SSH public-key authentication relies on asymmetric cryptographic algorithms that generate a pair of separate keys (a key pair), one 'private' and the other 'public'. You keep the private key a secret and store it on the computer you use to connect to the remote system. Conceivably, you can share the public key with anyone without compromising the private key; you store it on the remote system in a .ssh/authorized_keys directory.

To use SSH public-key authentication:

  • The remote system must have a version of SSH installed. The information in this document assumes the remote system uses OpenSSH. If the remote system is using a different version of SSH (for example, Tectia SSH), the process outlined below may not be correct.
  • The computer you use to connect to the remote server must have a version of SSH installed. This document includes instructions for generating a key pair with command-line SSH on a Linux or macOS computer, and with PuTTY on a Windows computer.
  • You need to be able to transfer your public key to the remote system. Therefore, you must either be able to log into the remote system with an established account username and password/passphrase, or have an administrator on the remote system add the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in your account.
  • Two-factor authentication using Two-Step Login (Duo) is required for access to the login nodes on IU research supercomputers, and for SCP and SFTP file transfers to those systems. SSH public-key authentication remains an option for researchers who submit the 'SSH public-key authentication to HPS systems' user agreement (log into HPC everywhere using your IU username and passphrase), in which you agree to set a passphrase on your private key when you generate your key pair. If you have questions about how two-factor authentication may impact your workflows, contact the UITS Research Applications and Deep Learning team. For help, see Get started with Two-Step Login (Duo) at IU and Help for Two-Step Login (Duo).

Set up public-key authentication using SSH on a Linux or macOS computer

To set up public-key authentication using SSH on a Linux or macOS computer:

  1. Log into the computer you'll use to access the remote host, and then use command-line SSH to generate a key pair using the RSA algorithm.

    To generate RSA keys, on the command line, enter:

  2. You will be prompted to supply a filename (for saving the key pair) and a password (for protecting your private key):
    • Filename: To accept the default filename (and location) for your key pair, press Enter or Return without entering a filename.

      Alternatively, you can enter a filename (for example, my_ssh_key) at the prompt, and then press Enter or Return. However, many remote hosts are configured to accept private keys with the default filename and path (~/.ssh/id_rsa for RSA keys) by default. Consequently, to authenticate with a private key that has a different filename, or one that is not stored in the default location, you must explicitly invoke it either on the SSH command line or in an SSH client configuration file (~/.ssh/config); see below for instructions.

    • Password: Enter a password that contains at least five characters, and then press Enter or Return. If you press Enter or Return without entering a password, your private key will be generated without password-protection.
      If you don't password-protect your private key, anyone with access to your computer conceivably can SSH (without being prompted for a password) to your account on any remote system that has the corresponding public key.

    Your private key will be generated using the default filename (for example, id_rsa) or the filename you specified (for example, my_ssh_key), and stored on your computer in a .ssh directory off your home directory (for example, ~/.ssh/id_rsa or ~/.ssh/my_ssh_key).

    The corresponding public key will be generated using the same filename (but with a .pub extension added) and stored in the same location (for example, ~/.ssh/ or ~/.ssh/

  3. Use SFTP or SCP to copy the public key file (for example, ~/.ssh/ to your account on the remote system (for example,; for example, using command-line SCP:

    You'll be prompted for your account password. Your public key will be copied to your home directory (and saved with the same filename) on the remote system.

  4. Log into the remote system using your account username and password.
    If the remote system is not configured to support password-based authentication, you will need to ask system administrators to add your public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in your account (if your account doesn't have ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, system administrators can create one for you). Once your public key is added to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote system, the setup process is complete, and you should now be able to SSH to your account from the computer that has your private key.
  5. If your account on the remote system doesn't already contain a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, create one; on the command line, enter the following commands:
    If your account on the remote system already has a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, executing these commands will not damage the existing directory or file.
  6. On the remote system, add the contents of your public key file (for example, ~/ to a new line in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file; on the command line, enter:

    You may want to check the contents of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to make sure your public key was added properly; on the command line, enter:

  7. You may now safely delete the public key file (for example, ~/ from your account on the remote system; on the command line, enter:

    Alternatively, if you prefer to keep a copy of your public key on the remote system, move it to your .ssh directory; on the command line, enter:

  8. Optionally, repeat steps 3-7 to add your public key to other remote systems that you want to access from the computer that has your private key using SSH public-key authentication.
  9. You now should be able to SSH to your account on the remote system (for example, from the computer (for example, host1) that has your private key (for example, ~/.ssh/id_rsa):
    • If your private key is password-protected, the remote system will prompt you for the password or passphrase (your private key password/passphrase is not transmitted to the remote system):
    • If your private key is not password-protected, the remote system will place you on the command line in your home directory without prompting you for a password or passphrase:

    If the private key you're using does not have the default name, or is not stored in the default path (not ~/.ssh/id_rsa), you must explicitly invoke it in one of two ways:

    • On the SSH command line: Add the -i flag and the path to your private key.

      For example, to invoke the private key host2_key, stored in the ~/.ssh/old_keys directory, when connecting to your account on a remote host (for example,, enter:

    • In an SSH client configuration file: SSH gets configuration data from the following sources (in this order):
      1. From command-line options
      2. From the user's client configuration file (~/.ssh/config), if it exists
      3. From the system-wide client configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config)

      The SSH client configuration file is a text file containing keywords and arguments. To specify which private key should be used for connections to a particular remote host, use a text editor to create a ~/.ssh/config that includes the Host and IdentityFile keywords.

      For example, for connections to, to make SSH automatically invoke the private key host2_key, stored in the ~/.ssh/old_keys directory, create a ~/.ssh/config file with these lines included:

      Once you save the file, SSH will use the specified private key for future connections to that host.

      You can add multiple Host and IdentityFile directives to specify a different private key for each host listed; for example:

      Alternatively, you can use a single asterisk ( * ) to provide global defaults for all hosts (specify one private key for several hosts); for example:

      For more about the SSH client configuration file, see the OpenSSH SSH client configuration file on the web or from the command line (man ssh_config).

Set up public-key authentication using PuTTY on a Windows 10 or Windows 8.x computer

The PuTTY command-line SSH client, the PuTTYgen key generation utility, the Pageant SSH authentication agent, and the PuTTY SCP and SFTP utilities are packaged together in a Windows installer available under The MIT License for free download from the PuTTY development team.

After installing PuTTY:

  1. Launch PuTTYgen.
  2. In the 'PuTTY Key Generator' window, under 'Parameters':
    • For 'Type of key to generate', select RSA. (In older versions of PuTTYgen, select SSH2-RSA.)
    • For 'Number of bits in a generated key', leave the default value (2048).
  3. Under 'Actions', click Generate.
  4. When prompted, use your mouse (or trackpad) to move your cursor around the blank area under 'Key'; this generates randomness that PuTTYgen uses to generate your key pair.
  5. When your key pair is generated, PuTTYgen displays the public key in the area under 'Key'. In the 'Key passphrase' and 'Confirm passphrase' text boxes, enter a passphrase to passphrase-protect your private key.
    If you don't passphrase-protect your private key, anyone with access to your computer will be able to SSH (without being prompted for a passphrase) to your account on any remote system that has the corresponding public key.
  6. Save your public key:
    1. Under 'Actions', next to 'Save the generated key', click Save public key.
    2. Give the file a name (for example, putty_key), select a location on your computer to store it, and then click Save.
  7. Save your private key:
    1. Under 'Actions', next to 'Save the generated key', click Save private key.
      If you didn't passphrase-protect your private key, the utility will ask whether you're sure you want to save it without a passphrase. Click Yes to proceed or No to go back and create a passphrase for your private key.
    2. Keep 'Save as type' set to PuTTY Private Key Files (*.ppk), give the file a name (for example, putty_private_key), select a location on your computer to store it, and then click Save.
    3. If you wish to connect to a remote desktop system such as Research Desktop (RED), click Conversions > Export OpenSSH key, give the file a name (for example, putty_rsa), select a location on your computer to store it, and then click Save.
  8. Log into the remote system using your account username and password.

    If the remote system does not support password-based authentication, you will need to ask system administrators to add your public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in your account (if your account doesn't have ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, system administrators can create one for you). Once your public key is added to your account's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote system..

  9. If your account on the remote system doesn't already contain a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, create one; on the command line, enter the following commands:

    If your account on the remote system already has ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, executing these commands will not damage the existing directory or file.

  10. On your computer, in the PuTTYgen utility, copy the contents of the public key (displayed in the area under 'Key') onto your Clipboard. Then, on the remote system, use your favorite text editor to paste it onto a new line in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, and then save and close the file.
  11. On your computer, open the Pageant SSH authentication agent. This utility runs in the background, so when it opens, you should see its icon displayed in the Windows notification area.
  12. In the Windows notification area, right-click on the Pageant icon, select Add Key, navigate to the location where you saved your private key (for example, putty_private_key.ppk), select the file, and then click Open.
  13. If your private key is passphrase-protected, Pageant will prompt you to enter the passphrase; enter the passphrase for your private key, and then click OK.

    If your private key is not passphrase-protected, Pageant will add your private key without prompting you for a passphrase.

    Either way, Pageant stores the unencrypted private key in memory for use by PuTTY when you initiate an SSH session to the remote system that has your public key.

  14. On your computer, open the PuTTY SSH client:
    1. On the Session screen:
      • Under 'Host Name (or IP address)', enter your username coupled with the hostname of the remote server that has your public key; for example:
      • Under 'Connection type', make sure SSH is selected.
    2. In the 'Category' list on the left, navigate to the Auth screen (Connection > SSH > Auth). On the Auth screen, under 'Authentication methods', select Attempt authentication using Pageant.
    3. Return to the Session screen, and under 'Saved Sessions', enter a name (for example, Deathstar), and then click Save.
    4. Click Open to connect to your account on the remote system. With Pageant running in the background, PuTTY will retrieve the unencrypted private key automatically from Pageant and use it to authenticate. Because Pageant has your private key's passphrase saved (if applicable), the remote system will place you on the command line in your account without prompting you for the passphrase.
    Technically, at this point, the setup is complete. In the future, whenever you log into your Windows desktop, you can run Pageant, add the private key, and then use PuTTY to SSH to any remote resource that has your public key. Alternatively, you can create a shortcut in your Windows Startup folder to launch Pageant and load your private key automatically whenever you log into your desktop. For instructions, finish the rest of the following steps.
  15. Open your Startup folder. Press Win-r, and in the 'Open' field, type shell:startup, and then press Enter.
  16. Right-click inside the Startup folder, and then select New and Shortcut.
  17. In the 'Type the location of the item' text box, enter the path to the Pageant executable (pageant.exe) followed by the path to your private key file (for example, putty_private_key.ppk); enclose both paths in double quotes; for example:
  18. Click Next, and then, in the 'Type a name for this shortcut' text box, enter a name for the shortcut (for example, PAGEANT).
  19. Click Finish.

The next time you log into your Windows desktop, Pageant will start automatically, load your private key, and (if applicable) prompt you for the passphrase.